— champagne glasses that will decorate your home
Champagne glasses are specially designed to enhance the taste of sparkling wine. If thin wine glasses are more common in Russia, then in Europe and the USA sparkling wine is often drunk from glasses, especially on public holidays. The main feature of both forms is a high thin leg, which allows the taster not to touch the vessel itself and not to heat the drink. Interestingly, in glasses of different shapes, the same champagne can have a different bouquet and aroma. You can buy original champagne glasses here:
Experts say that regardless of the shape, champagne glasses should have the following characteristics: The
material is glass, preferably crystal, but in no case plastic, as this affects the taste of the drink. Crystal is stronger than glass, so the walls of the glass may be thinner, and the contact of the material with the drink, skin and taste buds may be less.
The tapering bottom of the bowl, where air bubbles can collect and rise up.
The bowl expands towards the middle, allowing the fragrance to reach maximum concentration.
A tapering, but wide enough top so that the aroma remains in the glass, and it was convenient for the taster to drink.
Wine glass
y (
flute) Champagne glass is a narrow glass with a cone-shaped bowl with a capacity of 180 to 300 ml. This form appeared in the early 1700s, when glassware began to displace metal and ceramic. Initially strictly conical, now there are straight types, as well as glasses that taper slightly upwards.
The Russian version of this name comes from the French city of Fougeres .
This form best preserves the taste and aroma of the liqueur (even if it does not allow them to fully open), and also prevents the rapid evaporation of champagne. Moreover, an elegant glass of sparkling wine looks great, the golden liquid sparkles in the light, and the bubbles rise in an elegant chain.
Wine glass
Wine glasses are traditionally used for champagne and other sparkling wines, but some beers (for example, lambic and goze) also served in them. It is especially recommended for tasting Creman, Cava, Champagne Extra Brut.
Thanks to the narrow bowl, which does not concentrate the aroma, wine glasses are ideal tasting glasses for low-quality sparkling wines with a pronounced taste profile. This form will not allow «roughness» to form and will preserve the maximum carbonation of the drink.
A champagne glass (or coupe) is a glass with a high stem and a wide but shallow bowl, more like a saucer with high edges, containing 120-240 ml of wine. Legend has it that the shape of the glass mimics the shape of the breast of the French Queen Marie Antoinette, but in fact the «glass» for sparkling wine was invented in England in 1663. In France, these cups appeared only in the early 1700s, but immediately gained popularity, but in 1970 their use declined. In the USA, the peak of the popularity of the «cup» occurred in the 1930s and 1980s.
A cup
This form is not very convenient for direct drinking, besides, the wine ends quickly, but you can build a spectacular pyramid of «cups» and effectively pour champagne into all glasses at once. It is also customary to serve sweet sparkling wine, for example, Asti Spumante.
Tulip s
A tulip is a glass with a relatively short stem (which can vary) and a wide, «bubbly» bowl, which first narrows and then opens slightly upwards, like a flower petal. Traditionally, they are used to make white wine, whiskey and beer. However, some sommeliers believe that it is also ideal for champagne, since the hole in the upper part allows you to feel the aroma better, and the narrow «neck» delays bubbles.
It is especially suitable for wines with a rich fruity and floral bouquet, such as prosecco or rose.
A subspecies of this variety is the «wide tulip». As the name suggests, it is a «tulip» with a wider bowl. This is an aged sparkling wine with notes of dried fruits, biscuits and cream cakes.
Experts believe that «tulip» may not be the most elegant form, but it is the most «honest», which emphasizes all the disadvantages of the drink and therefore is best suited for an impartial assessment.